July 20, 2022

An American Dream TV Host Honors Our Military Community- Meet Real Estate Agent Sunny Singh

An American Dream TV Host Honors Our Military Community- Meet Real Estate Agent Sunny Singh

Warriors, Fall in…

Today, I’m joined with Southern California’s most trusted real estate agent, Mr. Sunny Singh, who recently invited me to be on one of his episodes that he hosted for a television show called “American Dream,” which is a show that highlights real estate locations, the lifestyle, and agents working in the field.

Sunny had many options for show topics and decided to dedicate one of his shows to the military community because this professional recognizes the overall sacrifice given when folks decide to don the uniform and serve in the United States military. In today’s show, we’re going to talk about this TV series, which he’s currently hosting.

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This episode is powered by ACT NOW Education, go to www.actnoweducation.com for free comprehensive educational resources and opportunities for active duty, veterans, military spouses, and children.

Sunny Singh:

And you might see some other religion also at the same place, and you are taught that country come first. All our same when it comes to the like, you know, fight. Don't think, "Oh, you're a Hindu or your're Christian. So we are taught like that. And that's the mindset I bring in my real estate world."


Warriors fall in, it's time for formation. So today I'm joined with Southern California's most trusted real estate agent, Mr. Sunny Singh, who recently invited me to be on one of his episodes in which he's hosting for a television show called the American Dream, which is a show that highlights real estate locations, the lifestyle and agents who are working in the field. You know, Sunny had many options for one of his show topics. And he decided to dedicate one of his shows to the United States military community, because this professional recognizes the overall sacrifice given when folks decide to don the uniform, and serve in the United States military. In today's show, we're going to learn a little bit about Sunny, and we're also going to talk about his TV series, and learn a little bit about the background and how it all started for him. So Sunny, I want to thank you for joining The Morning Formation Podcast.

Sunny Singh:

So it's pleasure to be here. And I will say thank you for having me here. I will say it's honor to be in your private bunker.


Bunker. I don't know. I don't know if this is a bunker man. I don't think I don't think this would survive any kind of mortar or rocket, rocket attack. This is all drywall and wood. So yeah, I don't know if it's a bunker but I guess it's a bunker from the bugs. The bugs outside right. No, thank you for for joining me, man. And it's great that you're also here in Southern California.

Sunny Singh:

Yes. Thank you.


And just a little bit of background, Sunny, was a I want to say last year around July or August when I interviewed Kanwar Singh. I guess he's First Lieutenant or I think he just got promoted to Captain right? Captain Kanwar Singh. Sunny found me on Instagram and was

Sunny Singh:

Captain, yeah. reviewing that specific podcast, which I thought was a great episode, because it was great to learn about Kanwar and his overall journey and where he's been and where he's planning on going. He really inspired me quite a bit. So Sunny and I have been connected since last year. But when this opportunity came around, just through connections that we had made, we found out that you were looking for someone like me, and I was more than willing to jump on board. So I want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this whole entire process and giving me this opportunity to be part of the show, man. It's truly an honor. And thank you for joining me today for this podcast, specifically. Keo, the honor is all mine. I'm telling you, I feel honor coming from a military family. I know you deserve it,you know.


I don't know about all that. But I really appreciate it man. I really do. And I appreciate folks like you that have an appreciation. And with that being said, Sunny, you know, I want to learn a little bit about you. So tell us where you're from. Tell us a little bit about your background, where you grew up and then talk to us about your unique tie to military service.

Sunny Singh:

Yes, so, I am born and brought up in Indian Air Force family. My dad was enlisted in 1973 in the Indian Air Force, so of course my bringing was in number of various Air Force Station in India. If you know, India has 28 state and 18...sorry, 8 union territories. And so being an Air Force brat, first of all, I'm using the "brat"...for the audience I must say "brat" here is not a spoiled child of military personnel. "Brat" here stands for "Born Raised and Transferred" with every posting your dad has, if it is a peaceful posting.



Sunny Singh:

So that is the meaning of "brat." So being, you


So I grew up as a military brat as well. And I moved know moving from one place to another place, of course you learn the culture, different culture, different customs, different people, different terrains. And of course, what is common at one place, southern part of, I suppose, India is different than the northern part of India. So, as a Air Force personnel or Air Force Brat, you learn all those things and you adopt those things. Which is, which is the reason why I'm what I am because I'm gone through all those different situations, different culture, different people. I make now today, I make friends so easily. Stranger is not a danger for me. It's like I can make my friends within two minutes. everywhere. I don't have a childhood home, right. So I'm just curious to know, like here in America, when you grew up as a military brat, I grew up a good portion of my life in the state of Hawaii, and then I ended up in Ohio, right. So, two different types of cultures, two different like, you know, even the the accent is completely different. The culture is different. Is it the same in India too?

Sunny Singh:

Yes, India is actually a diverse, very diverse country. You will be very surprised that one place, the weather is extreme raining, other Place you see a desert. One place is urban. One posting, my dad had was urban. One place is totally country place, like, you know, there's not even any factory or company. So it's actually a biggest blessing. I will say if somebody asked me, "Do you want to bond again?" I will say "Yes, I want to bond again, in the same family, in the next birth also." And I don't want to change anything, because so much thing to learn about India. And I will say if you want to know what is India, you should not ask a person who only stayed at one place. You should ask a person, who like military personnel, who been to all over part of India.


Who moved around.

Sunny Singh:

Moved around. Know the custom, culture is so diverse. Number one thing is coming from military background, you're coming from a highly disciplined society.


Right. Yeah. And you know, it's interesting, you say that, because whenever I travel overseas, and I run into like, say, I go to Europe, or, or wherever, and I talk to people, and they're like, "Oh, I want to go to New York City." And I'm like, "No don't go to New York City, go to Tampa, Florida." Or go somewhere like Nashville, Tennessee. Like if you really want to see America, like go somewhere smaller, like don't go into the big, big city. And then, and then make that as your judgment for what America looks like. Because it truly doesn't all look like that. It's so different, right. So I understand what you're saying. Was it difficult for you when it came to your schooling to make friends?

Sunny Singh:

So luckily Indian Air Force and all the military stations has this school called Kendriya Vidyalaya, which is Central School. You can call it Federal School, Okay, here. We call, use the word "Central" there. In America, we use "Federal" word here. So we have a Central School, every station will have the same syllabus. If you're in seventh grade, there's nothing changed.



Sunny Singh:

So that's the biggest blessing, I will say, the military kids have that you don't have to worry. Yes, you're going to lose your friends, which you just made three years ago, and now you're going to different station. But no, likely it was same thing.


You're around like-minded kids who had some continuity of not, I guess, having the normal childhood. Like making new friends every three years, forced you to be more social. That's actually quite interesting. And when you told me about your father, what was his job? What was his position in the Air Force?

Sunny Singh:

So he enlisted, like I said, but he was, when he was at the age of 17. He was airmen only. But in 2012 or 2011, and he was promoted to a commission rank, which is called Honorary Flying Officer. It was given to him because of his service. So before retiring, he enjoyed the commission. Also, which you were a commissioned officer.


So he flew planes or...?

Sunny Singh:

No he was a logistic officer.


Logistical okay.

Sunny Singh:

We all think when it comes to military,



Sunny Singh:

that military is only infantry and pilot,...


Especially Air Force, right?

Sunny Singh:

Your dad must be flying, but no. Actually in military, logistic play the bigger role. If you don't have a transport, and you don't have a ration, no army in the nation can fight without logistics. So his job was logistic, he was an equipment officer.


So yeah, I mean, especially, you know, what I had experienced in Iraq, same thing in Afghanistan for us too. A lot of your logisticians experienced, you know, firsthand, combat. Because, like, for me, for example, I was a transportation officer. So we were in charge of moving supplies and people from base to base. Many times doing our own security, or having some type of overwatch. So even on the battlefield today, it's not necessarily always the infantry guys that are out there, experiencing you know, the, the, I guess the the ideas of war. You also have folks who are in different positions that have to go outside the wire and do stuff as well. So you're right, logisticians are extremely important when it comes to wartime. Overall, would you say that your experiences were positive growing up? And did you ever desire to join the military as well?

Sunny Singh:

So my experience was 100% positive, I will say. It's, the word I want to use here is "unmatched." To be an Air Force brat or military brat in India is unmatched than any other profession, you know, the kids you would have if my dad was doing some normal railway job or civilian job. I don't think I was exposed to so many places, people languages. I speak several languages of India. You know, I just have to be there for a month, and I will catch up one new language.



Sunny Singh:

Yeah, so that's the one thing and I'm sorry, what was your second question?


Did you have any any desire to join the military yourself?

Sunny Singh:

Of course, like every one, you're seeing it day and night. You see your dad wearing a uniform, so I had a passion for uniform. I wanted to join Infantry Regiment, one of the regiment called Gurkha regiment in Indian army. That was my passion. And I, I did my NCC, which is here ROTC, within the college time. I actually did three years with the Air Force where I got a training on microlight singer aircraft, with the pilot, of course, a licensed pilot. And then I got experience of flying a number of weapons, and doing, have done many varieties of camps. Like RTC, Republic Day Parade camp, then going to different Air Force Station, learning about how they operate, what the operation is. And, but my life story changed when I met my, that time girlfriend, now wife. And then I decided, "I don't think I can stay away from her." You know, so I changed my journey and my focus totally changed.


Yeah, right on. And Sunny, this was a great opportunity for you to be a part of the American Dream television show. And I plan on publishing this just a few days after we air. Would you mind talking about how this whole thing started?

Sunny Singh:

So I was, my name was recommended by one of the lender I work with. He saw when I do my closings video, which is very entertaining. I hope you must have seen on Instagram.


I have seen it, yes I have.

Sunny Singh:

So which made me very popular, which made me.... or entertaining and dancing realtor. So I get surprised when I'm going to introduce myself in the real estate world. And people say, "Oh, Sunnny, I know your name." Which is like, within two years of experience as a realtor, that's the biggest blessing for me. People don't realize I am a very new realtor. Like two years is nothing in real estate, and getting that much client. And the biggest thing is what I learned there, in the airforce environment, being a brat, I'm using all those in my professional life. Okay, like I'll give you example. There we learn, everyone has this, you know, either in the station, everyone is your uncle or auntie, my dad, colleagues and this is a complete family. There is no religion, there is no race, there is no color, any armed forces you go to, any military base in India, if you know India has all kinds of faith, believe in all kinds of faith. So any Air Force Station will have Hinduism temple like a Hindu temple, Christian Church and Sikhism, the Gurdwara. And you might see some other religion also at the same place. And you are taught that country come first. You are taught the religion never come, is nothing religion, we all are same when it comes to the like, you know, fight. They don't think oh, you're Hindu or you're a Christian, or your...so I can go in a church and I can do the same prayer, which I do my Hindu temple. So we are taught like that. And that's the mindset I bring in my real estate world. When people call me, I don't think who they are. I just give them like, okay, work is worship for me. If I'm getting an opportunity, and they know that and that's the review I get on online also, that people said, "You never made me feel like, this is not yours. You made me feel like, you, what you will do when you're buying a house for yourself." They make, the comments are like, you know, "He was like my elder brother, protecting me when the escrow was going on." So this is I think, basically coming from my upbringing. You know, which is making me what I am today.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Because a lot of things that you experienced growing up and a lot of, the way you are today, has a lot to do with you know who you were. And your parents and your friends and your environment. Your upbringing has everything to do with who you are today. So you being a military brat and growing up with a father who was in the military, actually enhance your character of being a real estate agent today to be, I guess, just a people's agent. Where you are more or less like focused on the individual and the betterment of their situation, right.

Sunny Singh:

So real estate, you know, if you know, I never chose real estate. Real estate chose me. And here's the story, I do, hotel, I do manage two hotels. One, I have a partnership also. So I started my life in America as a hotel manager. The hotel I manage is San Bruno, the if you know how San Bruno is, you're in California. That hotel in 2011, when I came, that hotel was highly affected with the wrong things. I had two choice. So I could only, either I leave this hotel, or I clean this hotel. Cleaning a hotel, which is like, you know, clean in the sense, clean from the prostitute and clean from the drug dealers.



Sunny Singh:

Which I had no knowledge.



Sunny Singh:

Okay. So then I have to raise my family, I had to raise my three year old son that time. I said, "Okay, I'll clean it, whatever it takes." And I took it as challenge. I never have to use any kind of weapon. Any kind of, you know, tools to do that. I just had my lips with my words enough. In six months, same reputation that hotel has


Right. changed, drastically. Seven, eight years after that, I was in a 24-hour fitness gym. I used to work out with SWAT team sheriff and all those people. One of the sergeants came and he told me, I thought no one is watching, you know, what you're doing no one was watching. That sergeant came to me, Sergeant Garcia, I remember his name. And he said, "Sunny, you know, seven, eight years ago, my boys can go and I can go and kick any door there. We know there's a criminal. This is for you that from seven ATS we never been to that hotel." So just you, just you, you cleaned it up man. Like you took out and made it a better environment. Right.

Sunny Singh:

Correct. In six months, I will say it was some time 24 non stop working, 48 hour non stop working, calling police, taking help of my security guy who looked like a police. At that time, it was easy, he can arrest also some people. So I think everyone helped. And now that place is very clean. And so that was one thing. So coming to real estate was I had some money. I called this gentleman, I wanted to buy apartment as investment. And this gentleman said, the realtor, he said "That unit is not there. But why you want to buy a condominium when you have certain money, this much." I said "I don't want to take a loan." I said "Why don't you give me all your documents, and I can see how much loan you're getting." And anyways, I wanted it as an investment property. I said, "Okay, what do you need?" And I went to his office, I gave all those documents. Within 12 hour I was qualified for amount I was not even aware. And then he said, "Let's go and search houses." And finally I ended up in Victorville buying one of the, my four bedroom, two bath. And later on. I was actually very grateful for this gentleman who actually guided me in the right direction, what to do. So it's always for me, if somebody did something, so I take them I asked him which restaurant he like, I bring his whole family. I treated him very nicely. And he's 20 years of experience in real estate. One thing he told me "Sunny in 20 years, no buyer have called me like this in a restaurant and treated me like this. So why don't you come to my office one time and see what I do. Maybe you like it." So I went at the day one only I started prospecting, like cold calling and all, got to interest and finally ended up, I gave my exams in one go, I was cleared.


So you're right, real estate found you.

Sunny Singh:



Yeah, man. I want to go back to what you talked about, the whole dancing thing. Where did you get that from?

Sunny Singh:

So dancing. Actually, that thing is...armed forces have one thing, don't think of tomorrow. What you have is today. And that's one thing, highest level of sense of humor you will find same with US armed forces also and highest level of celebrating life. So dancing is just about celebration, right. So when somebody's buying a house here, that's the biggest, one of the biggest investment he's making in his life.



Sunny Singh:

I want to celebrate with that person. What I would have done if my, I would have held my own brother or my own sister. And we celebrating. So same thing I do and I bring this Indian music thing and we make, we all dance.


That's very intriguing man. And it's great to learn a little bit about you where you came from and your your mindset and all the obstacles that you went through. Now Sunny talk to us about when you found when you found out you're going to be on the show. How did you start planning for show topics and when did you decide to make one of those show topics about the military?

Sunny Singh:

So, getting selected out of 20,000 agent, Keo, that



Sunny Singh:

That was a biggest blessing.



Sunny Singh:

Okay, so I felt it, if I'm getting this opportunity, opportunity comes with a big responsibility on your shoulder.


Oh yeah.

Sunny Singh:

Now I don't want to waste, just to show the boat, luxury boat or luxury real estate. I start thinking of the word, "American Dream." As for me, "American dream," or even what we are doing right now, today, is only possible because our men and women decided to wear, volunteered to wear that uniform to protect us in which many have sacrificed their life.



Sunny Singh:

So we are cherishing all the rights you know, so somebody sacrifice so many thing. So we are enjoying today. Why not to start my first episode, honoring them. So first I thought of honoring organization. But later on I find out that organization has not involved in that many things in California so I don't want to bring somebody in and make them famous, if there's not. So then ultimately, I had less time and I approached my, one of the realtor friend and he said, and I was like, "I know Keo. I know KP" so I was like, "That's a great idea." And though I had opportunity, you know that, and but I chose I said, "No, I will." My camera guy and everyone's saying "No, don't go for this. You want show maybe more popular, you should go for this." And I said "No." Ultimately what happened, you must have seen American Dream TV declared, after we shot, that this was a very good content. Yeah. So listen to your heart and...


Yeah, man. No, I appreciate it. Because I know you had some other folks out there that wanted to do this with you. So thank you for, for choosing me to do it. It was, it was quite an experience. But that segues into my next question, man. So what did you think of the overall...so this was your first episode, right?

Sunny Singh:

Yes, this was the very first episode coming on a TV.


So what did you think?

Sunny Singh:

I think it exceeded my expectation, what we did, what the camera guy help us, you know, that whole, the way it was. It was, he made us feel very comfortable. You know, plus, our goal was very simple. Yeah, we are not doing artificial, you know, made show. We're doing everything organic. So real show, right. So that when you have anything in your mind that you're not faking it, will of course, do good. Yeah. And then that's what the result was. I'm very happy with the show. And I'm sure when the, it will come, it will be aired and the audience will love it.


Yeah, man. I'm really glad that we have this opportunity to sit down because folks that will watch it are going to be asking about "Who's this Sunny guy,?" You know, "I want to know about more about Sunny." So this is a podcast where they can come and learn about where you came from, some of the obstacles that you had to overcome, and how real estate found you. Now, with the show itself, was it everything you expected? Like the way they filmed it? What or did you think that it would be different?

Sunny Singh:

I think if I had more time, if it was the show was like getting a more time like, if we get a half an hour, 35 minutes more, I would have justify more. I can show more, the sacrifice, real sacrifice, real when the veteran tried to trans, transform their self from a discipline life to a civilian life. What mental status they go through. Why 22-a-day suicides there? How as a civilian, we can help to avoid those things. You know, people don't. So how do we make their environment, their family situation better? So they don't think of what has happened in past?



Sunny Singh:

So my goal was to do all those things. But you can't complain. You know, never sweat the small stuff in life.


Well, I know you have a few more episodes ahead of you as well. But just to talk off for what you're mentioning to the 22 suicides a day from the military community, from military veterans. That's something that I think the entire community has been concerned about for the last few years. And that's one of the many reasons that I started The Morning Formation Podcast and I'm a board member for ACT NOW education, is to help our community have a much better landing spot when they transition out and they you know, are no longer wearing the uniform. Making sure that they get the ideal job, the ideal salary, the ideal location. Because everybody wants to go home right at some point. And everyone deserves to go home, especially when you served the country. And everyone deserves to get, you know, a well paying job, an ideal job, you know, after you spent so many years sacrificing. So, I really appreciate, you know, your overall recognition of our community. And I think it's quite fascinating that your tie to all this goes back to India...

Sunny Singh:

My basic roots.


Where your, where your father served, what, 30 years?

Sunny Singh:

39 years. 73 to 2012.


39 years in the military. So your father end up serving 39 years of the military, which I think here in United States you can only, or here in the US you can only do 30 years I think max.

Sunny Singh:

So in India is 35 years in Air Force, specially not in army. I'm not, I'm only talking about the Air Force. 35 years and 58 years of age. So, he reached 39. And 58, he has to retire. I'm telling you, if you ask him to go and wear the uniform, he'll say "I don't want to retire."



Sunny Singh:

And he set a example for me.



Sunny Singh:

Especially he has...I lost my mom when I was 16. You know, and raising four kids and serving the country also. He's standing higher and giving a standard. Never give up in life.



Sunny Singh:

Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break record. A guy who's coming from a farming background, as my grandfather was a farmer, come join Air Force, achieve so many things, change his family from countryside to bring in urban. Now we are settled in Pune, which is Mumbai, close to Mumbai. Nice area. And on top of that, raise his four kids, raising four successfully. We are all settle now. And getting a commission also.



Sunny Singh:

Many people retired after 39, 38 year without getting a commission. They don't have, the government don't have to give you a commission. You know, is not...but he earned that thing. So, for us its higher standard.


That's awesome, man. That's awesome. So going forward, Sunny. From here on out how many more episodes you have to host?

Sunny Singh:

In a year, I am, they signed me for six episodes.


Six episodes. That's outstanding, man. So what are your expectations for those next six episodes?

Sunny Singh:

I can say one thing, I will do everything from my heart. You know, anything you do with a good intention from a heart and mind. I don't know what's in the future. But that thing will be successful. I do with the passion. Yeah, I don't do it for money. Nothing I do for money. Money by the grace of God is there. And I do with the passion. And when you have a passion, it's visible. You know, people see that. And then they will like it. I'm, I'm 100% sure the audience will love all that thing which is coming


on the 17th of July.

Sunny Singh:



Details will be coming out as far as time and channel and everything. And we'll put that out on our social media platforms. For anyone out there Sunny, that's listening right now. And they might be interested in connecting with you. How can they connect with you?

Sunny Singh:

They can always reach at sunny homes. That is my Facebook page. And my Instagram IG is "Happy and Lucky Man." And then I'm on, very soon I will have a website. And I will share that on social media. And they can call me on my number 909-233-0756. I'm available. I'm a realtor. So of course I cannot be keep my phone number private.


Right. Well, there you put it out there, man. So there it is. I'll make sure I put all that down in the show notes as well. So if you're listening to this on a podcast, scroll down to the bottom, you'll see it in the show notes. If you're watching this on YouTube, I'll make sure that's in the description as well too, for folks to contact you. Sunny, I love your energy, man. I love your motivation. Most of all, it's it's refreshing to see a man of your caliber, and your overall lessons that you've lived through life, everything from India, to where you are today, here in California, doing what you're doing, man. Just to wrap up the episode. Is there anything, any message that you have for the audience out there listening?

Sunny Singh:

I will say you know, we all run behind success and all. So one thing I have learned, it is my experience, I'm not a guru or somebody who's giving this, but success will follow. If you just try to be, if you try to be a human. If suppose I am serving the country by, I'm a police. If I do my job 100 person right as a human being, I will of course excel in the job. If I'm a realtor, I should look at this and give you a situation also, a story. When I did my first listing presentation, it was in Menifee city okay. Now, I had no knowledge of real estate. I just got my license. I got this appointment I'm happy about. I'm going in Manaphy Drove like one hour, and I met this lady 79-year old lady from Hungary I guess, she's American. So her house for some reason was not selling from last six month. Good house and nice neighborhood, community, Sun City. Somehow I listed on Monday, I had a buyer on Thursday, we sold in 21 or 25 days. The day we are signing everything and I went to her house. And every closing I take my customer for lunch or dinner. So she actually stand stood up and gave me a hug, you know, and the word she told me, which I still carry in my signature. "It's always going to be sunny in California. And it's always going to be Sunny Singh, my realtor in California." That made me emotional. What I had done special? I just did my job, without any you know, what if it was my own mom? So when we put ourself and our family, like you know, this universe is our family. Behave like you know, you are same, others are same. There's no difference, the race. Other what you call that color, and all this thing is...you know we all are human. So whenever we think that we are one, 100% excel is there. There's no doubt, no one can stop your success. That will be the message for all the audience.


Awesome, man. Awesome, great message. Great story, Sunny. I love it, man. I learned a little bit more about you today. And that's fascinating, man. And I gotta say that I'm gonna be really excited to see where you're at in the year from now, after all those shows air and you get more exposure and people get to know the real Sunny Singh. And hopefully, you've learned a little bit about Sunny as well. Sunny, again, thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of the the experience to be on the American Dream. It was awesome working with Gary as well. He is a great, great, I guess producer, video producer. And his team was awesome, too. So it was it was an experience for me too Sunny and I can't thank you enough for making me a part of that and dedicating one of your shows to our military community. So for everyone else out there, I just want to tell you to stay tuned, stay focused, and stay motivated. Warriors fall out.