Dec. 28, 2022

College Isn't Enough! Set Yourself Apart! SDSU Army ROTC Cadre Dr. Michael Brantley Tells Us How?

Warriors, Fall In… It’s time for formation. If you’re an avid listener of TMF, you’d recall that I sat down and had a conversation with Professor of Military Science LTC Michelle Parlette about Army ROTC opportunities, well c...
Dec. 14, 2022

Act Now & Execute Your Goals Edition: Before 2023, Create Goals by Joining The Act Now Community with Sumeya Gibril

Warriors, Fall-in! It’s time for formation. Welcome to the Act Now and Execute Your Goals Edition. Today, I’m highlighting a member of the Act Now community who used the Act Now Resources to level up their career. So, let’s m...
Nov. 30, 2022

Active Duty Air Force & Pro MMA Fighter Breaking Barriers with Blake Perry

Warriors, Fall In! It’s Time for formation. Ladies and gentlemen, standing across from your host today at 6’3” and 175 lbs is a military service member who represents our community through his Mixed Martial Arts endeavors. To...
Nov. 16, 2022

3 Effective Strategies for Military Career Transitioning Veterans with Dr. Nicole Dhanraj

Check out our website Please Support & Donate to the Podcast: USA Made socks with a Purpose. 20% off with code: TMF Episode Powered By Act Now Educ...
Nov. 2, 2022

When Help is Needed, Veteran Help Point's Michelle Lang Has the Answers!

Warriors, Fall In!...It's time for formation. This week, I am joined with the Founder of military non profit Veteran Help Point (VHP) Michelle Lang. Her organization's overall purpose states: "We believe finding the help vete...
Oct. 19, 2022

Getting Back on Personal Brand Trends After the World Shutdown with Lida Citroen

Warriors, Fall In! It's Time for Formation! In this episode, I'm once again, honored to have a guest that is very authentic in her mission and overall career purpose. She has the military mentor hours and the overall time and...
Oct. 12, 2022

Marine Veteran Creates a Contractor Start-Up App with Ron Nussbaum

Today, we’re joined with a combat Marine Corp Infantryman, who proudly served during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007. His entire civilian career has been focused within the construction industry and is now fixated on solving ...
Oct. 5, 2022

Life After Combat & Starting a Business with BJJ Blackbelt & Marine Vet Anthony Ferro #bjj #veteran

Warriors, Fall in! It’s time for formation… Today, I’m joined with a fellow Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, who also served in the United States Marines Corps and like me, today’s guest spent some combat time in Iraq. Today...
Sept. 28, 2022

Act Now & Execute Your Goals: How Jen-Liz Maldonado Leveled-Up Her Career Without Using VA Education

Welcome to the Act Now and Execute Your Goals Edition. Today, I’m highlighting a member of the Act Now community who used the Act Now Resources to level up their career. I am joined with Jen-Liz Maldonado , who’s an Air Force...
Sept. 21, 2022

How the Art Community Helps Veterans Mentally Transition Beyond the Uniform with Air Force Veteran Cody Vance

Warriors, Fall In! It’s Time for Formation! Today we’re joined with an Air Force Veteran who’s going to share his own career transition into the world of sculpting and explain how he’s been giving back to the military communi...
Sept. 14, 2022

Army Soldier of The Year to Hollywood Producer and Crypto Founder with Daril Fannin

Warriors, Fall in… Today we are joined with an 8-year Army Veteran who was inspired to further his education after speaking with Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston, which having a conversation with such a high-rank...
Sept. 7, 2022

"Soledier Socks"Was Created with Combat Necessity with Founder Elle Rueger and Combat Navy Vet Tommy

Warriors, Fall in… Today, I’m joined with the founder of a company that’s in the business of making military inspired socks. I’m also joined with an Afghanistan combat war Veteran who inspired this husband and wife team to cr...
Aug. 31, 2022

Uber's Career Opportunities For Our Military Community with Army Veteran Michael Pett

Warriors, Fall In. It's time for formation. Today I'm joined with an Army Veteran who now serves as the Head of Veteran and Military Programs for Uber. In today’s episode you'll be surprised and intrigued by the amount of opp...
Aug. 24, 2022

From Critically Combat Wounded to Esquire with Attorney Estefan Encarnacion

Warriors, Fall In… Today, we’re joined with a Combat Marine Corps Veteran, who survived a deadly explosion during his Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment in 2004. This battle-tested warrior continued to fight-on through his wo...
Aug. 17, 2022

Future Career Awaits in Drone Robotics with Air Force Top Gun Veteran and CEO of Target Arm Jeffrey McChesney

Warriors Fall In… Today we’re joined with guest who’s an alumnus of the USAF Academy, Columbia University and Harvard University. He’s also a graduate of the USAF Fighter Weapons School (TopGun) and if that’s not enough he’s ...
Aug. 10, 2022

Tactical Drone Pilot Course for Executive Protection, Bodyguard, and PSD Operations with Covered 6 Founder & CEO Chris Dunn

Warriors, Fall In! It’s time for formation! Today we’re joined with a professional who has over 30 years of professional experience between the US Army, law enforcement, and private sector security. He created the first “Priv...
Aug. 3, 2022

Making a Military Difference with Act Now Education Vice President Micki Patel

Fall in… Today, we’re joined with one of the Act Now Education's Board Members. She’s currently the Vice President of Act Now Education and she’s a retired 20 year Navy Veteran. Today, our guest is going to talk with us about...
July 27, 2022

Act Now & Execute Your Goals: Navy Veteran to Executive Through NPower's Program with Malcolm Smith

Warriors, Fall In…It’s time for our Act Now & Execute Edition. I enjoy highlight folks within our military community, who are out there taking advantage of the educational opportunities. Today, I'm joined with Navy Veteran Ma...
July 20, 2022

An American Dream TV Host Honors Our Military Community- Meet Real Estate Agent Sunny Singh

Warriors, Fall in… Today, I’m joined with Southern California’s most trusted real estate agent, Mr. Sunny Singh, who recently invited me to be on one of his episodes that he hosted for a television show called “American Dream...
July 13, 2022

Discover Army ROTC Opportunities with SDSU Professor of Military Science LTC Michelle Parlette

Fall in… Today, we have a special episode for the parents, guardians, and future leaders who wish to take the military into consideration and also complete college at the same time. I’m talking about the prestigious Army ROTC...
July 6, 2022

The Act Now Education Military Resource Guru with Navy Veteran Tyrone Hewitt

Warriors, Fall in… Today, we’re joined with one of the Act Now Education's Board Members. He’s described as THE encyclopedia of all military transitioning resources,” he’s a retired 20 year Navy Veteran, and today’s he’s goin...
June 30, 2022

Almost 50% Have a Difficult Time Transitioning Into a New Career After the Uniform with Brian Niswander

Warriors, Fall In! Today, we're joined with a 26 year Air Force Veteran who's an experienced professional with Fortune 500 and public sector organizations. Our guest today has a very diverse career that includes marketing, da...
June 22, 2022

Combat Engineer to Grunt Style Artist with Army Veteran Gerardo "Ghost" Cazares

Fall in…It’s time for formation! Today we’re joined with a first generation Veteran warrior who served 2 deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan as an Army combat engineer and my experiences downrange, the engineers were always bu...
June 15, 2022

Breaking the Mold From the Military to Business Owner with AF Veteran Joelle Choe

Warriors, fall in! Today, we are joined with an Air Force Veteran who is now a multi-business owner, digital marketing strategist, and mental health advocate. She is all over social media seeking to build-up the Veteran commu...