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Warriors fall in.
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It's time for formation.
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Today, folks, I have a wonderful guest that I'm just eager for you to meet, if you haven't already met him.
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He is fairly popular in the military community on many social media out there, so today I'd like to welcome JP to the Morning Formation podcast.
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Today we're going to talk about his journey, mindset, coaching, philosophy and his impact on the community.
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Jp- welcome.
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Hey, what's going on, brother?
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Thank you so much for having me here.
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I appreciate it.
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It's a privilege and I've been following you for a while and I was hoping one day this would happen, so I'm happy we're here.
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Man, the honor is all in this in the mic.
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Honestly, dude, I know a lot of people that have met you.
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I have heard a lot of great things about you.
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A lot of folks that you met at the MIC this last year that I'm familiar with, that I personally know.
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So it's an honor.
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On this end of the mic, man, and just kicking things off, I just want you to share your military background with us.
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What was your MOS and what inspired you to join the military?
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Absolutely so.
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I joined the military as soon as I turned 18.
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And I joined the Marine Corps because the commercial it just got me right the sword, the dragon, all that cool stuff.
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However, the reason why I joined the military isn't because it's all I ever wanted to do.
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Honestly, I made a lot of mistakes growing up and I rebelled.
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I was involved in a lot of stuff that I shouldn't have been and I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life.
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I was getting expelled, suspended.
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I ended up going to four different high schools and finally, at the last one, I met a teacher there who basically told me that if you don't get your life right, where are you going to be in three, four, five, 10 years?
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And I didn't know.
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I didn't have an answer, and he talked to me about the Marine Corps and I ended up making that decision to join the Marine Corps and I enlisted in 2008, went off to bootcamp, did the 0311 kind of route, and I did that for a few years.
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Went over to the West Coast.
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I was with 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines deployed to Afghanistan.
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In 2010, helmand Province came back and I knew that the one thing that I really wanted to do while I was in the Marine Corps is I wanted to be a scout sniper, so I did the INDOC and was able to make it to the State.
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Platoon Did that for a few years and, uh, I ended up getting out of the military, so yeah.
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Yeah, that's quite a journey.
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Um, and when you went in, we were well underway uh as far as war.
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I joined in 99, 98, technically into 98, uh did uh the uh delay entry and uh, that was before 9-11.
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So when you went in, that knew well underway that you were probably going to end up going to Afghanistan or Iraq at some point, right.
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Yeah, so I had a cousin that joined the Army right when 9-11 kicked off and I got to experience that from his point of view and he was injured.
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He came home for a little bit and he went back and I never knew that.
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I didn't know that I was going to necessarily follow in his footsteps, but I did know that when I did enlist I knew that I wanted to become part of something that actually meant something For my entire childhood.
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I didn't really belong to anything.
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I didn't do sports, I was involved in games, so there's that.
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But that was a chapter in my life that I wanted to close.
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So I knew that I was doing something to become something and to become part of something that was a lot larger than myself.
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So I was well aware of that.
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Yeah you said you're involved in gangs.
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Yeah, was this, uh, in chicago yeah wow, but what a big turnaround.
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What do you, you think, inspired you to change course?
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Was it your cousin, or was it any influence around you?
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It had a lot to do with my cousin for sure, but my teacher was kind of the person that really influenced me in the right direction and I talked a lot about him because he actually came out to see me graduate when I graduated bootcamp and we still keep in touch.
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He was able to influence me because he went through the same path.
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He was also involved in Gaines group in Chicago and joined the Marine Corps and then he also became a law enforcement officer when he got out and I'm sure that had a lot to do with why I ended up kind of following those same footsteps as well.
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That mentorship is huge, man, and it's great that you sort of made something of yourself, because I always tell people that when folks go out there and they go to bat for you, it's important for you to make it worth their time and effort to have done so.
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What do you think while you're in the military, what do you think were some of the biggest lessons that you learned from your military service that you still carry with you today?
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So much man.
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They were my formative years.
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Honestly, I don't look back at the military with a lot of anger.
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A lot of it has to do with you learn lessons everywhere you go.
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You learn good leadership, bad leadership.
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You learn discipline.
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You learn consistency.
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You learn what it means to be organized.
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Side note, which has a lot to do with this I had ADHD my entire life but I was never diagnosed until I was 24.
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When I went into the military it's organized.
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You know what you're going to be doing.
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For the most part, you show up at a certain time, there's someone there that tells you what you're doing and you have a plan.
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And that helped me a lot because I learned organization.
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I learned how to be disciplined and, honestly, what I loved most about the Marine Corps is that you really can make the most of it.
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And I went in with the mentality like I finally found my people.
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I finally found a place where I felt that I belonged and I gave it everything I had, from bootcamp to SOI to getting to my platoon.
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I always tried to do more because I really loved it.
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I bought into the idea that I was a part of something and it meant everything to me, everything that I carry to this present day is influenced by the Marine Corps.
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Now a lot of it has changed and it's been adapted over the years.
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I mean, even my leadership style has changed, because I've learned that you can't be the same type of leader in the military compared to getting out and treating people differently.
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So everything's been adapted and changed.
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But my foundation of who I am, the way that I operate, the way that I even think kind of stems from the Marine Corps for the most part whole structure portion of it all, because I I once heard an administrator um for one of the LA County schools here talk about how she pushes um a lot of the students away from the military because of it's the uh, the history behind it and some of the stereotypes behind the military.
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But at the end of the day I think it there is a lot of value because it kind of pushes you in your journey towards a direction and gives you some momentum towards life and learning what life is really all about and gets you outside your comfort zone.
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And I'm glad that you just mentioned about the transition part.
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You know when it comes to leadership and how you handle folks in the military.
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Would you mind just talking to folks about how that transition was for you, how you know if it was a challenge for you and what was the hardest part?
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You know that you experienced and how did you overcome that.
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So what's unique about this transition is that you have to look at it from a different point of view, in my opinion, and what I mean by that is that, especially if you join when you're 18, like most of us do you're going to get out and you're going to realize that you have been in a culture that was very formative your best friends, the people that were your mentors, the people that you end up mentoring because you do become a mentor, whether you know it or not.
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Everything that you know from the way that you talk or the way that you walk, customs and courtesies over a weekend it goes away just like that.
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And courtesies Over a weekend it goes away just like that.
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And you're going into a new phase of your life.
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Now, whether you move back home or you end up staying where you're at, a lot's going to change, and I think the problem is.
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The problem that happened to me because this is what happened to me is that I didn't realize that the culture shift was going to be so large and I didn't pay attention to it.
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So, because I didn't pay attention to it, I kept operating and working and talking and acting the same way that I did when I was in Because it served me so well when I was in.
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It served me so freaking well when I was in that when I got out I thought I will just be who I am.
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The problem is that you have to change, you have to evolve, and for me it didn't happen.
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So I immediately got into a relationship that I was already in, because it was the first woman that paid attention to me.
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I was around a bunch of dudes, I was in the infantry and I thought, well, this is what's next.
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I was very much in that mindset of you know, we're preparing for deployments, and then we deploy, we come back, we do another workup, x, y and Z.
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And my mindset was the same way.
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I thought that there were these rules that I had to follow of like, okay, I'm out, I'm going to go to school, I'm going to use my BAH, I'm going to get a job, probably as a law enforcement officer, I'm dating, so I guess now I have to get engaged.
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That means I have to get a house and we have to get married, and X, y or Z.
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And I never took time to really find out who I was.
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I never took time to get to know myself and to truly realize that I wasn't evolving.
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I was just staying stuck in that same mentality, thinking that things have to be a certain way, thinking that militaristic kind of mindset is the thing that's helping me because it's served me so well, characteristic kind of mindset is the thing that's helping me because it served me so well.
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And all of that came crashing down.
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My first marriage ended in a divorce and I self-sabotaged a lot.
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And the transition is rough if we don't actually focus on it, if we think we just keep doing what we're doing, if we keep being the way we are, everything will work because it worked before.
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The problem is is that you have to change who you are.
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You have to learn that, like society is not going to change for you.
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You're a part of society.
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Now you are the one that has to make the changes in order to, like, not just survive but thrive in society.
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And I was that asshole.
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I was that veteran that you know always wore the veteran stuff, always wore everything.
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There's nothing wrong with that.
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But the problem is that when it is your identity because that's all you've known, and those very formative years, like they were huge years yeah, you can narrow it down and say, well, it's a percentage of your life, but at the end of the day, like those years, they were so formative.
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I mean, looking back, I was in charge of a sniper team and that's really cool.
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But the thing is, when that becomes your identity and that's all you talk about and that's all that you think about, you end up pushing people away.
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And I did that.
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I did that and I ignored my health.
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I didn't get any sort of mental health help.
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I didn't want to talk about PTSD because I'm in law enforcement, so I can't do that.
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So I went into law enforcement.
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So I can't do that.
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So I went into law enforcement and, to be honest with you, I love the law enforcement community.
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It's something that's very near and dear to my heart, and I didn't leave because I didn't like it anymore.
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I left just because I knew that it was the right move for me, based on what I'm trying to build and create for my life.
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But, to be honest as well, it prevented me from healing, and the reason is a lot of the tools that the military gave me also helped me succeed in law enforcement.
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I showed up early, I left late.
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I wanted to write the most search warrants.
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I wanted to get to work undercover.
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I loved it.
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But my personal life was falling apart.
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Went through a divorce.
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I was drinking every night.
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I was completely sabotaging my health.
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I was smoking a Went through a divorce.
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I was drinking every night.
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I was completely sabotaging my health.
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I was smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
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I used to take the streets home instead of the highway because I knew that there would be two McDonald's on the way home and one of them would have the ice cream machine working.
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Yeah, Wow, you know, I love what you said, man.
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You said a lot, but I love what you said about identity, because I think that military folks as well as law enforcement have the same issue with that.
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Your career can become your identity and in all reality, you have a character, you have a behavior like you are you.
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I don't think that any uniform or any rank should be anyone's identity.
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I think that's what makes us all unique, leadership wise.
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But I I love what you said about that and I've told other folks about that as well, like over the last.
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Um, you know however many years since I've been out, man, it's been freaking.
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Almost 20 years since I joined the military, um, and you, when you got out, you know you, you said you got out for reasons because it was best of for what you're doing in your journey.
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You know, and now, now you serve as a veteran coach.
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Um, would you mind talking about, like, what inspired you to become a veteran coach and what does that, what does that title mean to you?
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Yeah, absolutely so.
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So I was working in law enforcement and everything that I ever wanted to do in law enforcement I was able to get to.
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So the last role that I had that was.
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My goal was to get to a unit where I would be able to work undercover, and I was doing that, and then it was taken away from us in a matter of my control, and that's when they moved us to a unit that it no longer resonated with me.
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I ended up working in mass transit and a great group of guys over there and I love them.
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It's the group of guys that I worked with for almost the last seven years, maybe even eight, but it just didn't sit well with me that I gave everything that I had and cost me a marriage, cost me my personal life, and they were able to just move me wherever they wanted.
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Now, with that being said, I had a decision to make Do I just sit here and keep doing this and live my life, or do I do more?
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And I just have it in me that I'm very much of the mind that I want to be able to do more, because if I have it in me and I keep it inside, I have this untapped potential and I don't want to live life with untapped potential.
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So at that point, about two and a half years ago, I made a decision to start a business, a coaching business online.
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Initially it wasn't going to be geared towards veterans and I started it and I started doing it and I ended up hiring a business coach and that really helped a lot.
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As I was doing it, I realized that, yes, it was enjoyable, but it wasn't my passion, and I remember that I wish I had something like this.
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When I got out, I remember that I wish that I had something that actually kept me accountable, something that would hold up that mirror to me and show me that it's not that I can't do it alone.
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It's just that there are tools, there are people, there are mentors, there are communities, there are groups that are a little bit ahead of you, that can tell you and remind you hey, you're on this journey, but we're going to stop for water here.
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We're going to tie up our shoelaces here to make sure we don't trip.
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We're going to make sure that we stay away from the negativity.
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The positivity needs to come into our life more and more often.
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So I made a decision to kind of refit my business and I named it VetRise Academy and I started coaching veterans.
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It took off more than I knew it would, even though, to be honest with you, I am delusional, optimistic and I believe that the world is completely full of possibilities.
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And it's a mindset that I've adopted over the past couple of years, because I wasn't always like this and as I started coaching veterans, I started to realize that it's me speaking to me, it's me speaking to where I was and the things that I wish I would have heard and the things I needed to hear.
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And then, the more and more I did it, the more and more I became okay with being uncomfortable with it, meaning that I was willing to speak my mind a little bit more, I was willing to be a little more controversial, I was willing to say things in a different way that maybe haven't been said before.
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And, honestly, there's so many organizations out there that are wonderful, they're doing amazing work.
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I think the disconnect happens when we don't get those services, when we don't reach out for the help, because we all know that the mindset of the veteran a lot of times it comes back to that stoicism, that being so tough that they don't need help, that I can figure it out on my own, that I'm self-reliant, I'm capable and when I bring people into the program when they start I started I had four people join today One of the first things that we do is we do an audit of where we're at and we start looking at everything.
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It is not just about fitness.
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Fitness is the baseline, it's the foundation of what we do, but all of it is tied together and what it means to me to be a veteran coach is that I want to help that veteran succeed in society, like no matter what.
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It started as a fitness program and it's evolved throughout the years and it's become this beautiful, freaking thing where we have community people, we do coaching calls every week, we support each other, there's people that are on this journey that can help other people who just got out and, honestly, it's one of the most beautiful things.
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We're going to have our very first in-person event for all of our clients in August in Chicago and I'm really excited about that.
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That's awesome, man, that you built something that you wish you had.
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I think that's impactful.
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A lot of people talk, they talk about things, but nobody ever executes.
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Usually it's just something that sounds nice.
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So, as far as the program that you have and the coaching that you do about approximately how many folks do you have in there right now and is there room for more?
00:17:01.062 --> 00:17:01.864
Yeah, absolutely so.
00:17:01.864 --> 00:17:11.250
We just actually crossed the 50 member threshold recently because we ended up getting a video that went viral on IG and we're all over.
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But, yes, we do have spots for more people in the coming months.
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I wouldn't say selective of who we bring in, but I want to make sure that it's people who are truly ready to make a permanent change in their life.
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There's people that need therapy.
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There's people that need to do some self-work.
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There's people that are not ready to make that change.
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But, yeah, we're definitely have spot for people.
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If that's something that someone is interested in, feel free to reach out and we'll have a conversation.
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I really appreciate it about you because I'm going to tell you, right now, I see a lot of people out there selling their programs to people that aren't ready, and if you're not screening folks, then you're not being authentic and you're not being genuine.
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If you're just taking their money and giving them coaching or a template or something like that, I mean that is a scam.
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At the end of the day, you need to prepare people and make sure that they are ready for you.
00:18:00.329 --> 00:18:04.585
Need to prepare people and make sure that they are ready for you.
00:18:04.585 --> 00:18:11.364
You know you were so popular, uh, a couple of months ago that I saw they had um kind of um fabricated your your video, yeah, yeah.
00:18:11.364 --> 00:18:12.207
So what, what, what?
00:18:12.207 --> 00:18:13.029
What was the deal with that?
00:18:13.380 --> 00:18:22.333
Man, Uh, so I made a video a long time ago and the first couple of words they, they twisted everything, so they used they used the first three of words.
00:18:22.333 --> 00:18:23.200
They twisted everything.
00:18:23.200 --> 00:18:32.063
So they used the first three lines where I said something about like veterans are not entitled to shit, and then I went on to say that you've earned it right, so, like it's.
00:18:32.063 --> 00:18:34.190
The video was, the original was different one.
00:18:34.190 --> 00:18:37.406
And then a bunch of people start sending me this video saying, hey, is this you?
00:18:37.406 --> 00:18:39.271
And I'm like, well, that's me, that's not me.
00:18:39.271 --> 00:19:07.619
00:19:07.619 --> 00:19:09.065
You know that that it's getting.
00:19:09.065 --> 00:19:10.490
My voice is getting out there again.
00:19:11.200 --> 00:19:14.249
Yeah, I mean that that means you're, you're, you're getting some attention.
00:19:14.249 --> 00:19:15.251
Yeah, that was wild.
00:19:15.251 --> 00:19:16.823
Yeah, I remember seeing that.
00:19:16.823 --> 00:19:17.704
I was like that is wild.
00:19:17.704 --> 00:19:20.152
Is AI man at AI at its finest.
00:19:20.152 --> 00:19:25.202
Yeah, wild as AI man at AI at its finest.
00:19:25.202 --> 00:19:25.605
It's kind of scary.
00:19:25.605 --> 00:19:25.805
Um, no man.
00:19:25.805 --> 00:19:25.845
00:19:25.845 --> 00:19:26.848
I really, I really dig what you're talking about.
00:19:26.848 --> 00:19:36.930
Um, you know the the journey overall, I think interviewing you and interviewing all the folks I've interviewed as a part of my journey too, um and I'm I'm always evolving, always trying to get better, and it's taken quite quite some time.
00:19:36.930 --> 00:19:46.436
Do you think that when you hired the business coach, that was the game changer, that kind of elevated your mindset, gave you some clarity on how to properly do the whole coaching program?
00:19:46.857 --> 00:19:50.324
Yeah, absolutely Honestly, I believe that you have to build.
00:19:50.324 --> 00:19:56.734
So I'll put it to you this way You're not your environment.
00:19:56.734 --> 00:19:59.627
You get to create your environment Wherever you are at.
00:19:59.627 --> 00:20:01.441
You get to create the environment In the military.
00:20:01.441 --> 00:20:10.688
You get to choose who you hang out with, what NCOs you look up to, what type of leaders you surround yourself with when you get out.
00:20:10.688 --> 00:20:11.849
It's the same way.
00:20:11.849 --> 00:20:15.443
Now I'll tell you right now, most of my mentors I've never met.
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I've built my repertoire of mentors based on who I believe is in a position to guide me in the right direction.
00:20:24.030 --> 00:20:25.202
I listen to a lot of podcasts.
00:20:25.202 --> 00:20:35.354
I have my list of people that I enjoy listening to, and when I found my business coach, what he said spoke to me and I believe in diving all in.
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If you're trying to do all these things at once, if you're trying to be a jack of all trades, you're not going to fully dive into something.
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You can't tell yourself that you're committed if you're only interested.
00:20:47.291 --> 00:20:49.585
So I saw his videos.
00:20:49.585 --> 00:20:57.732
He spoke to me, I reached out to him and a lot of the stuff that got me to join his program, the way that he went about running his business.
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I've applied that directly to my business.
00:21:00.003 --> 00:21:06.890
For me, it was the fact that he actually sent me a voice message when we were talking, so I knew it was him.
00:21:06.890 --> 00:21:09.041
It wasn't someone that he was paying to do this.
00:21:09.865 --> 00:21:12.392
And since I joined this program, I mean, the business has just taken off.
00:21:12.392 --> 00:21:20.347
He teaches us everything from how to make videos to how to edit them, how to hire a team, and since then it's been nonstop growth.
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And every event that he has, I go to it.
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Every single time that he has an event, I'm there and I will continue to be there, because the value that I get from him isn't just here this is how you do it.
00:21:33.811 --> 00:21:39.164
It's the fact that there's a community of people that are very like-minded that I get to be a part of.
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So a lot of the stuff that he does, the coaching calls that he does, I've adopted a lot of that into my business and I've become a better person, a better leader, just because I get to see someone that is further ahead along than I am, and that's where I do want to be one day.
00:21:56.643 --> 00:22:07.548
So, yeah, I do think that you need to find people that are a little bit further along than where you are and truly lean into it, be willing to pay, be willing to invest.
00:22:07.548 --> 00:22:13.797
We spend so much money on stuff that we don't need, yet we're not willing to invest in something that is actually for you.
00:22:13.797 --> 00:22:23.682
So I remember this is a little bit of a mindset shift that happened to me the second event that I was going to as I was on the plane flying over, it's in Canada.
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They have most of their events in Canada.
00:22:26.733 --> 00:22:33.219
I remember thinking of how much money I've spent in this program and I realized I didn't spend this money on this program.